Turners News

Some Information Sources

From time to time, clients ask where they can go for further information on business-related topics.

Here is a short list of third party sites which may be useful.

Business Information

Business Link : www.businesslink.gov.uk

North Staffs. Chamber of Commerce : www.nscci.co.uk

Federation of Small Businesses : www.fsb.org.uk

Institute of Directors : www.iod.com


HM Revenue & Customs : www.hmrc.gov.uk

Department for Business Innovations and Skills : www.gov.uk

Companies House : www.companieshouse.gov.uk


ACCA : www.accaglobal.com

     Business, more than any other occupation, is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.

Henry R. Luce – Magazine Magnate, USA